2017 Running Summaries

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Can not believe 2017 is already over. 2017 was a great year, slow year but still a great year. A few great events and new official long distance but only one PR this year. Although different plan from last year, I followed a training marathon plan in preparation for the two big marathon events. The training plan was a more aggressive plan that I have ever tried before and I used the same one for both spring and fall seasons. But I perhaps over trained and felt tired when it was time to perform, not necessary peaking at the right time. Still, even with that set back, I am very happy with what I was able to accomplish,

  1. Running over 2300 scheduled solid miles this year
  2. New Daily Streak Challenge starrted. With over 224 consecutive days and counting. This is to cover at least 2 miles or more for the day to count.Screenshot-2017-12-22 RunningAHEAD - CarlosCandela's log Summary
  3. Continued with the previous yearly challenge of running 13.1 distance at least once a week. Defining the week from Monday to Sunday, so there were a couple back to back of long distance running here and there. Currently over 120 weeks and counting.
  4. Completed one of the big Marathons events and crossed another state from the list by finishing 2017 Chicago Marathon.
  5. Finished my 1st official Ultra Marathon – Derby 50k – Great experience.

Although grateful for completing all those goals and accomplishments, as mentioned before the heavy training came with at a cost of lower speeds especially in the later part of the year.

I am very grateful that 2017 was a great year. Many miles with many good friends. I am also very grateful for all the support that I recieved from family, peers, the medical community, FB friends, running groups and running clubs. They all provided the energy, advise and encouragement to continue to run and continue to improve in my personal life.

Once again I want to say thanks to my friends and family that in one way or another provided their support and patience while I continue with my insane running!

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