The best way to celebrate is with a half

For today’s event, a short write-up as I still need to get myself some cake. Today I had the privilege to receive the gift of a half for today’s celebration. What a phenomenal way to spend the day with family and friends.

For a warm-up, I decided to do a 1-mile warm-up, but to be honest, given that the weather conditions called for a very warm and humid day, perhaps that was not necessarily a great idea. Still, it all went well, and my knee felt great. I was not planning to press the pace or really put in a massive effort since today’s event was going to be just a nice, fun event. During the past few months, I have not been able to get and put in the miles and training I needed. More on that in an upcoming post.

I was phenomenal to have my daughter and her boyfriend join me today. Well, the race registration was her gift to me. A couple of InsaneRunners, Tony and Udit, were also joining the group and running today’s event. The start was a staggered start, so they were trickling runners one by one to prevent congestion at the greenway.

Loop 1: We ran the course a few weeks back, so we all knew what to expect. I had planned to take it easy, which I did. Tony had a target of finishing close to 1:30; he started strong and immediately was way ahead. Bianca, Calvin. Udit and I spent the first couple of miles mostly in together, before everyone found their zone and pace. I remained in the back of the pack. HR was constantly bordering Z4, even on the flats, which was something I was trying to make sure that I did not stay in that zone for too long. So, by mile 5 and on, I decided to start to walk some, let the HR fall back down to under 135, and pick up the pace again. I was definitely staying well hydrated, while sugars were a tad on the high side. It was great to see the group at the turnarounds and cheer for them.

Loop 2: After the turnaround, I continued to follow the same running-walk strategy. We had a mini station prepared along the course, where I had an ice bandana ready to use during the second loop. They were giving water bottles at the first turnaround, which I literally was using to pour some cold water over my head every .15 to .2 of a mile to try to keep myself cooled. Refilling the water at every water station.

The ice bandana lasted about 3 miles before the ice was done. Sugars were still above the good running range, so I did a minor bolus adjustment and decided not to take the second gel I had, as my energy levels were still decent, just the HR that continued to hove on the Z4 for the most part. I started to pass a lot of other runners who were walking, but I was not necessarily going to push the pace or increase the effort. I was having fun.

Finish: Now, coming back to the final stretch, I saw Bianca and Calvin, already finished with their event, waiting and cheering as I entered the track. I loved it when I heard her yell, “kick, kick, kick,…!!!” That gave me the final surge to extend my stride and somewhat finish with a decent running form. lol, For their performance, they both did great, finishing another solid half. Udit had a fun event as he is preparing for an upcoming 40 miler. Tony was so close to his target; in these weather conditions, I would definitely call that performance a win.

Thank you for the gift, and thank you for running the event with me!!! In all a fun and small event. Great to meet people and see friends. Now keep in mind that the weather in July might add just a little bit of additional challenge. Just a little bit… maybe not just a little. Alright, now where is that cake?

July-24Sizzling Soles HalfNCHalf2:53:48

Event Highlights

Course: Mostly greenway right of the start. A 2X 6.6 mile (more like 6.8) course. With the staggered start, there were no issues with too many runners or passing. A few small rolling hills.

Venue: At a parking lot area near the middle school, with plenty of bathrooms and water for before and after the event.

Expo: No Expo.

Weather: Super warm and humid (July weather) but mostly cloudy skies, 74º with 87% humidity at the start.

T1D: Sugars were on the high side, had to do a minor adjustment, and then were stable throughout the rest of the event.


Pre-Race: 1 serving of Hot Cereal, latte, and banana.

Race: E-fuel and Tailwind I carried with me, water at the stations, and one gels.

Post: Breakfast burrito