2024 Running Summaries

Happy New Year!!

Another year, another great miles year filled with phenomenal and amazing experiences shared with friends and family. Although early in the year, knee issues and what I consider a brutal, hot, long summer season prevented me from putting in big mileage, I was able to still come and cross the 2100-plus miles mark. I was blessed to have a very successful running year with multiple great experiences, meet new friends, and the ability to run with family in multiple events. The InsaneRunning Wednesday group continues to have great success, with so many great runners joining week after week. Similar to last year, the Saturday runs in the later part of the year became the main training run for the InsaneRunning training group, tackling Umstead100 and some of the pacers.

Here is the year in a nutshell,

  1. Decent mileage completed this year, with over 2,185 miles and over 110,850 ft in elevation gain. (Close to 200 miles less than last year)
  2. Continued dealing with knee pain early part of the year. Learned to have patience.
  3. I completed my 4th 100-mile event, and under 24 hours. A very special one having my daughter pace me on my last loop to complete the 100. I already signed up for my next one in 2025, in my attempt to join the 500 U100 Club.
  4. Birthday Half Marathon run, a great gift from my daughter who ran it with me.
  5. I feel very blessed to have so many great friends and family who, in one way or another, support and encourage me to continue this healthy activity/sport.
  6. Continued with the previous yearly challenge of running 13.1 distance at least once a week. Over 489 weeks and counting. Will I get to 500 in 2025, we shall see.
  7. Running with my daughter on her 1st Half Marathon early in 2024 (Disney), and then also able to keep her company during the first few miles during a superb performance on her 1st full Marathon (Richmond)

I am very blessed that 2024 was another successful running year. The training journey and the process is as important or even more than meeting a specific target, pace, or goal. So many miles with good old friends and family, but also new friends from other run Clubs (TUFF), Run Smart, Strava, and work.

I am very grateful for all the support I received from family, peers, co-workers, the medical community, FB & Strava friends, pacers, running groups, and running clubs. They all provided the energy, advice, and encouragement to continue running and improving in my personal life.

For our InsaneRunning group, so many PRs, 1st times 5k, 10k, Half Marathons, Marathons, and even Ultramarathoners. Kaleel completed his 2nd 100-mile Ultra. Jamie did an amazing performance and completed his 1st U100 while running multiple full marathons before and after the event. Arun tackled Derby 50k, his 1st Ultra. Chad is getting fast and almost signed up for U100. Alex tackled the Tulsa Marathon without any problem and had a superb Shakori 40. Already mentioned my daughter’s 1st half and full, but also, her boyfriend Calvin completed his 1st Half Marathon, paced me for the 7th loop and Umstead, and he is getting ready to join me, Jamie, Sidney, and my daughter for a very well deserved Dopey experience at Disney, where he will be tackling his 1st full marathon.

Once again, I want to say thanks to my friends and family who, in one way or another, provided their support and patience while I continued with my insane running!

Happy New 2025!

This coming year, we are ramping up the miles already in preparation for Umstead 100, once again going for under 24 hours’ completion and my attempt to join the U100 500 Mile Club. I am also looking forward to running with my daughter side by side as she will be attempting her first half marathon. There are many other events and additional insane running. Stay tuned for what will be another fantastic year, filled with challenges and adventures.