2022 Running Summaries
Happy New Year!! 2022 was a great running year. So many miles logged, training miles, and great conversations during events and, most importantly, training runs. The InsaneRunning Wednesday group exploded this year with so many great runners. The Saturday run in the later part of the year became the main training run for the InsaneRunning training group tackling Umstead100 and some of the pacers.
Here is the year in a nutshell,
- Highest mileage completed in a year, with over 2,800 miles and over 132,000 ft in elevation gain.
- Another year with multiple events, even more events than a busy 2021
- Very fortunate to be able to complete another injured-free year, even with that crazy amount of mileage.
- I completed my 2nd 100-mile event in under 24 hours and have already signed up for my next one in 2023.
- Once again, a repeat, finishing 3rd in my age group at The Root Rock Half Marathon, including taking a tumble around mile 3.
- I completed my 10th Ultra with this year’s completion of Derby 50k, which was the same event as my 1st Ultramarathon a few years back.
- I feel very blessed to have so many great friends and family that, in one way or another, support and encourage me to continue this healthy activity/sport.
- Continued with the previous yearly challenge of running 13.1 distance at least once a week. Over 380 weeks and counting.
I am very blessed that 2021 was another successful running year. Did everything go perfectly or right? Nah!!! and that is ok. Sometimes the joy of the journey is as important or even more than meeting a specific target, pace, or goal. So much learned and still so much to learn in the upcoming year. So many miles with good friends and family. I am very grateful for all the support I received from family, peers, co-workers, the medical community, FB & Strava friends, running groups, and running clubs. They all provided the energy, advice, and encouragement to continue to run and continue to improve in my personal life.
For our InsaneRunning group, so many PRs, 1st time 5k, 10, Half Marathon, Marathon, and even Ultramarathoners. One person thought running 5 miles within a year was an acceptable goal, not realizing that he was getting into the insanity of running with us. He not only completed a five miler once but multiple times and multiple 10k distance training runs.

Once again, I want to say thanks to my friends and family that, in one way or another, provided their support and patience while I continued with my insane running!
Happy New 2023!