Journey to 100: Week 22/26
This is part of a series of posts regarding how I am preparing, planning, and training to complete the 100 miles Ultramarathon Umstead 100: Journey to 100. For all the ultrarunning series, here is Journey to 100 last week’s post, and for additional ideas, follow the link. Training for a 100.
We are now entering the final block training week. An initial week ramp-up mileage after a great recovery week, this in preparation for the upcoming peak mileage and long runs week. During Saturday’s run, we had the opportunity to talk to a couple of runners that, similar to Kaleel and Venu, were training for their 1st attempt at a 100-miler event.

One of the topics we have not covered yet, and that we have been discussing during the past few runs, is pacers and crew during Ultrarunning. Normally for shorter Ultra events or multi-hour events, there is no need for pacers or not allowed. Now for longer ultras, some 50M, some 100K, and 100 or plus miles events, they allow pacers to join the runner to keep them company and mostly for safety reasons. Since Umstead allows for up to 4 pacers (1 per loop) after the 50-mile mark, our team has been thinking and determining who is going to be there helping, crewing, and pacing for each loop for each runner. We are currently 4 runners attempting the 100 race so that means we need around 16 volunteers to help us during the event.
By now, you probably have devoured the runner’s pamphlet/informational from the event coordinators/website. Look for their rules about who? When? How many? And information for pacers to know and follow. The runners are responsible for their crew and pacer, this is very important to know given that they could cause or trigger a disqualification.
Hopefully, during your training, you have been able to connect with multiple runners, friends, and family that would like to help you in this endeavor. You will need to figure out how many pacers you will have accessible for your event. One, two, four? Also, what distance will they cover? Keep in mind that some events might have volunteer pacers available for those runners that might have no pacers and are in need of company or were traveling from far, making it difficult to have brought their own.
Your pacers are not mind readers; they do not have super-guessing powers. You need to communicate what you want them to help you with. Be respectful but also be clear when asking for something you need and specific on what you would like them to do for you.

If possible, do a pacer rehearsal run to preview and review some details and locations. Our event is a 12.5-mile loop, so the group was able to run at least once or twice with their pacers and talk about the event, what to expect, and how they could help.
In addition, I documented a few important things that I would like them to remember and do for me during the event. Here is an excerpt/example of the information I normally share via email.
Hello Pacers/Crew 🙂
Once again, thank you so much for helping me with this upcoming race. Here are a few notes where I need your help with prep work and during the event.
1st my goals for the event are,
Goal A) To PR 22:36:00 hours, Overall Average Pace – 13:34
Goal B) To finish under 24:00:00 hours – Average Pace – 14:22
Goal C) To Finish – Cut off time 30:00:00 hours
Goal D) Do not die
During the day, I am planning to be quick at the main base station. I will be running with my waist fuel belt bottles. I am switching to a handheld for loops 5-6 and finishing with the hydration vest for the last two loops. I will text the group with the location at the start-finish staging area and perhaps a picture. Cell reception is not that great there, will see. If I get parking lot A, the home base will be the back of my truck, where I will have a larger cooler and bags set up. Otherwise, it will be at the start/finish area with a smaller setup. Either way, I will send a text with the location and a picture for reference and an easy location to find.
Although this is not my first time attempting 100 at Umstead, please send me any suggestions, questions, recommendations, and/or comments. I will be setting up the group text chat. Last time the pacers had their own group chat to convey any key messages, in case things are not going well and want it to discuss with the upcoming pacer and not have me aware of how horrible I am doing, lol. It is up to the team.
At the start/finish station, I will have Zip-lock bags with the number of the loop. If you can have it handy, that will be great. I will also have a larger Zip-Lock bag with miscellaneous stuff I might want. I will let you know if I need anything other than the numbered bag.
Do not forget to bring your headlamp/lamp. I will have a main headlamp that should last a couple of loops and a backup one.
On loop 4, I will try to remember to text out when I reach the main Aid station #2; that way, it will start the pacers rotation. If, for some reason, I decide to drop at the 50-mile mark, I will text in advance, so you do not have to worry about pacing. But I know I am too stubborn to stop.
In regards to the pacers order, I am proposing,
Loop 5: Rahul: I think the starting time will be between 4:00 PM-5:00 PM. Last year I might have been a little bit earlier.
- Before I arrive, ask the main aid station volunteers if they already have soup or chicken broth ready/hot.
- Make sure I drop the waist water/energy belt, I do not want to carry extra weight.
- Remind me to drop the I-pod shuffle.
- Please remind me to grab my wireless headphones (AfterShockz). I might need them if things start getting rough.
- Remind me to use the Aquaphor (Glide, Lube)
- Have my water Handheld #5 ready for me to head out.
- Remind me to “Check Temp Bolus” or “Don’t forget to reset pump” on my insulin pump and check sugars.
- The first section is uphill – I will walk that section while eating something and ask if I need something from the main aid station.
- Get me in and out – let me know the 5-minute mark; I need to be out in less than 11 minutes.
- Take a selfie – (optional, last time, I did not have a pic with each pacer)
- During: Don’t forget to notify the next pacer ahead in the group chat of reaching the second main station
- During: I might ask you before reaching the aid station to run on and refill the bottle and get something in advance, so I can grab it as I pass by.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me as we turn right at the water fountain closer to the finish area, so I can start finishing the content of my drink bottle.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me to take the caffeinated gel.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Ask me if I need anything from the aid station and if you do not mind getting it as I prepare for the next loop.
Loop 6: Rafaela : 3-3 ½ hours later after 5? Estimate 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
- Make sure I drop the handheld and grab a new one, Handheld #6.
- Remind me to use the Aquaphor (Glide, Lube)
- Make sure I have my headlamp. (Most likely the blue one)
- Remind me to take a charger for the phone, maybe: I might not need to charge but just in case.
- Remind me to “Check Temp Bolus” or “Don’t forget to reset pump” on my insulin pump and check sugars.
- The first section is uphill – I will walk that section while eating something, ask if I need something from the main aid station.
- Get me in and out – let me know the 5-minute mark, need to be out in less than 12 minutes.
- Take a selfie – (optional, last time I did not have a pic with each pacer)
- During: Don’t forget to notify the next pacer ahead of reaching the station.
- During: I might ask you ahead of reaching the aid station to run ahead and refill the bottle and or to get something in advance, so I can grab it as I am passing by.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me as we turn right at the water fountain closer to the finish area, so I can start finishing the content of my drink bottle.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me to take the caffeinated gel. I might not need one, but if you ask, that would be great.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Ask me if I need anything from the aid station and if you do not mind getting it as I prepare for the next loop.
Loop 7: Amy: 3-3 ½ hours later? Estimate 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM.
- Have my Hydration vest ready for me to put on and head out. It should have been already loaded and ready for the loop.
- Make sure I drop the handheld and grab the Hydration vest
- Ask me/remind me to change the headlamp if it gets dark early – It might be ok to head out with the one I have.
- Remind me to use the Aquaphor (Glide, Lube)
- Remind me to “Check Temp Bolus” or “Don’t forget to reset pump” on my insulin pump and check sugars.
- The first section is uphill – I will walk that section while eating something and ask if I need something from the main aid station (SOUP, please!!!! 🙂 )
- Get me in and out, and let me know the 5-minute mark; I need to be out in less than 10 minutes.
- Take a selfie – (optional, last time I did not have a pic with each pacer)
- During: Don’t forget to notify the next pacer ahead of reaching the station
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me as we turn right at the water fountain closer to the finish area, so I can start finishing the content of my drink bottle.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Remind me to take the caffeinated gel.
- With a 1 mile to the finish: Ask me if I need anything from the aid station and if you do not mind getting it as I get ready for the next loop.
Loop 8: Jay: 3-4 hours later? Estimate 11:59 PM – 1:00 AM.
- Make sure I grab the fuel/water flask for my Hydration Vest #8
- Ask/remind me to change the headlamp, I need the second one for this loop. Black one
- Remind me to use the Aquaphor (Glide, Lube)
- Remind me to “Check Temp Bolus” or “Don’t forget to reset pump” on my insulin pump and check sugars
- The first section is uphill – I will walk that section while eating something and ask if I need something from the main aid station (SOUP!!!!!)
- Get me in and out – I need to be out in less than 12 minutes.
- Remind me how much time I have left to reach the 1st or 2nd goal if applicable. Yes it is going to require to do some running math, lol (just a joke)
- Take a selfie – (optional, last time I did not have a pic with each pacer)
I am planning to use a text group to use or direct text to let the next pacer know we are on our way, perhaps at the mid-aid station as mentioned above.
Please let me/us know how early you would like or need to know. Chad who successfully paced me last year might have some suggestions.
During the loop
I will make a quick stop at water fountains to drink some or hand you my bottle to top it off.
At aid stations, I most likely give you an empty zip-lock as I will keep walking/jogging past it. Or ask for something specific as we get closer to them. If you do not mind, stop at the station and fill it with chips or salty crackers. Ask my preference at that time. (NO Chocolate, please!!!)
I will be eating small bites along the way. It might take a couple of miles just to finish some snacks, cookies, or clementine.
Most likely, I will try to “fast” walk up hills and jog/run the flats and downhills. If I do not pick a spot to start jogging, pick one for me.
We will talk a lot (I hope), but if I am in the “zone”, moving, and I am not struggling much, I am good with some silence.
My pump has an audible warning sequence for my glucose levels going up or down. If you notice the warning and you do not see me acknowledging or checking it, please ask. Also, if I do check, ask anyway.
Quick Important Note:
I am diabetic, and normally, I am pretty good at sensing Lows and Highs. Lows are the dangerous ones because I can pass out. In the case that I pass or am passing out or on the ground (it has never happened to me, but just in case) I will have a Glucagon pen at the start. I am thinking about carrying it with me during the loop but have not decided yet. It is easy to use; here is a link to how to use it, (I know it might be hard if we are halfway, but normally a gel, food, the energy drink will do the trick, but it might take time, 10-15 minutes)
Normally I take action well before something like this is needed. Continuous intake of food/carbs is key here.
Once again, thank you so much for reaching out and volunteering to help me with this endeavor. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out. I will be setting up a group text chat shortly. I might forget one or two things, but hey, that is what makes this adventure a real adventure.
How is the plan going:
This week was another solid week. The workweek mileage was decent and ramping up for next week’s peak week. Here are some highlights,
Monday: One easy mile followed by some strength training workout at the gym
Tuesday: Easy 6 miles
Wednesday: Afternoon InsaneRunning group run.
Thursday: It was a busy day at work, so it turned the day into a rest day.
Friday: Some streches, no run.

Saturday: Easy Umstead 20-mile run. Felt fresh and nice. We met with a few other runners training for Umstead-100. Great discussions and conversations.
Sunday: Great weather, great group, great conversations. The run felt great; even after running 20 miles at Umstead yesterday, the legs held pretty well. The only curious thing was at the second turnaround when I started to feel like my sugars were going down; my CGMS was saying all was good, but instead of disregarding my feeling, I went ahead and got an additional gel to finish the last 6 miles of the run. Overall pretty well within what we want it to accomplish.
This week’s actual numbers:
Week 22 | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun | Total |
Plan | Stretches & Rolling | 6 | 5 | 6 | Rest | 24 | 20 | 61 |
Actual | 1 mile Gym – Stretches | 6 | 5 | Rest | Stretches Rest | 20 | 26 | 57 |
Next Week Plan: Last big training long run week
Week 23 | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun | Total |
Plan | Stretches & Rolling | 3 | 5 | Rest | 10 | 31 | 31 | 80 |