2023 Running Summaries

Happy New Year!!

I have to admit that 2023 was a great year. I was blessed to have a very successful running year with multiple great experiences, new friends, and the ability to run with family. A little bit lighter year in mileage compared to last year, but still plenty of miles logged, training miles, events, and especially great conversations during events and, most importantly, training runs. The InsaneRunning Wednesday group continued to have great success, with so many great runners joining week after week. The Saturday runs in the later part of the year became the main training run for the InsaneRunning training group, tackling Umstead100 and some of the pacers.

Here is the year in a nutshell,

  1. Lost of great mileage completed this year, with over 2,375 miles and over 122,000 ft in elevation gain.
  2. 1st time dealing with knee pain. (It has not stopped me from running, but it has limited my summer distance running) More information here, and update in a few more months.
  3. I completed my 3rd 100-mile event, and although I missed both my Goals A & B, I was able to finish well under the cut-off. I already signed up for my next one in 2024.
  4. Completed my 1st Shakori Ultra this year. It was a fun event, although others might disagree with me on this one.
  5. I feel very blessed to have so many great friends and family who, in one way or another, support and encourage me to continue this healthy activity/sport.
  6. Continued with the previous yearly challenge of running 13.1 distance at least once a week. Over 430 weeks and counting.

I am very blessed that 2023 was another successful running year. Did everything go perfectly or right? Nah!!! And that is ok. Even with having issues with my left knee, I feel lucky to be able to continue to learn and have fun. The journey and the process is as important or even more than meeting a specific target, pace, or goal. So many miles with good old friends and family, but also new friends from other run Clubs (TUFF), Strava, and work.

I am very grateful for all the support I received from family, peers, co-workers, the medical community, FB & Strava friends, pacers, running groups, and running clubs. They all provided the energy, advice, and encouragement to continue running and improving in my personal life.

For our InsaneRunning group, so many PRs, 1st times 5k, 10k, Half Marathons, Marathons, and even Ultramarathoners. Kaleel and Venu completed their 1st 100-mile Ultra. Jamie did an amazing performance completing his 100k, considering getting hurt in February. Alex, completed his 1st marathon this year, and a few weeks later, if that was not insane enough, was successfully running the Shakori 40, his 1st Ultra.

Once again, I want to say thanks to my friends and family who, in one way or another, provided their support and patience while I continued with my insane running!

Happy New 2024!

This coming year we are ramping up the miles already in preparation for Umstead 100, once again going for under 24 hours completion. Also looking forward to run with my daugther side by side as she will be attempting her 1st half marathon. Many other events and additional insane running, stay tune for what it will be another fantastic year, filled with challenges and adventures.